
Hello my lovely readers!
I am so sorry I’ve been off the map lately. My life has flip turned upside down, and back right side up once more. I have actually been busily writing a piece to submit for an essay contest called “In the River they Swim” ( I am super excited about it and hope my words & experiences can finally make it to the light of day on actual printed paper! The piece is about my experience with young girls who have been rescued from brothels in Cambodia, teaching them English and Computer skills, and learning about life from them.
I would love to share my story with you, so if you are interested in reading it, it is much too long and much too personal to post here, but do leave a comment or shoot me a mail and I will be happy to send it to you.
Tomorrow I embark upon a new adventure: the west coast of America for 3 weeks! I will be attending/volunteering at the BeDo Social Intrapreneurs event as well as the SoCap 2009 conference in San Francisco, traveling up to Seattle to visit the sister of my heart, and visiting the rural parts of China at the very end with my sweetest companion and comrade.
I look forward to the adventures ahead, back at the memories past, and up at the stolen moments of today.
Much love & more to come,

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Priya Aggarwal says:

    You inspire me daily. I’d love to read your piece. I still have yet to read your piece on dignity and destiny, but I promise I will soon. These are saved for the days where I have time to snuggle with a nice hot cup of chai and read the lovely stories of the dear sister of my heart. 🙂 Cannot wait to see you.
    little one

  2. Seth says:

    I would love to read it! Also, if you are out on the West Coast you should try to swing by Portland!!!

  3. Chandni says:

    hey Shab,
    I would love to read it. Every once in a while, I go to your blog, and its really inspiring. Goodluck with all your adventures… =)

  4. Musafir says:

    Hope not too late but I would love to read your write-up. Your blog is very very inspiring. Not sure if I should leave my email here?

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