I think it may have just hit me that I actually live here. I guess my longest real “vacation” never exceeded 3 weeks. Tonight I will celebrate my three weekiversary here. I’m ringing in the celebrations with some Dexter, Gossip Girl, and One Tree Hill catching up. Don’t judge me, these are my shameless pleasures in life. I haven’t got enough drama in my own to occupy my overactive imagination.
I guess routine is beginning to settle in. I got homesick on Wednesday for the first time and feverishly texted some close friends asking them to call me. One actually went and bought a Cambodia calling card!! Such amazing friends I’ve got. My mom called and put my baby niece up in front of the computer screen so I could see her on Skype. I Hindi baby-talked for about 5 minutes (for some reason my baby-talk comes out in Hindi) until I realized people in my office were giving me awkward stares. I tried to play it off like I was on a business call. I’m so stealth.
I took some funny only-in-cambodia pics in the last week or so.
These motos are so multipurpose! Clutch. I gotta get me one.
This weekend I’m off to Angkor Wat to see the pretty Hindu temples! I will try to run the Half with my camera in hand to capture the moments while I’m panting away.
good luck on the half marathon!! i wish i could come cheer you on or run with you!
miss you 🙁
love the blog bubbles–glad youve been updating (last time i checked there wasnt too much here, but then again, it was about 1.5 weeks since you had arrived). really hope to visit..so impressed with your colorful narratives and renegade experiences.
happy belated thanksgiving my friend.
i caught up on gossip girl yesterday! finally! now i have OTH to get through hahahhaah
Hey Shabnam,
Enjoyed reading about your experiences and impressions. it is an amazing world we live in and we only realize how egocentric we are living here in the US when we meet someone like the 7 year old you met. Keep up the good writing.
Sheetal (didi)